
Monday, October 31, 2011

Sheamus vs Wade Barrett Images

 Sheamus vs Wade Barrett
They lock up and Sheamus with a knee and forearm followed by kicks and punches. Sheamus tries to send Barrett into the corner and he blocks it. Barrett with kicks to Sheamus but Sheamus with a punch to the midsection. Sheamus with knees to Barrett while the referee warns both men. Sheamus with an Irish whip but Barrett with an elbow and punches to Sheamus.

Barrett with a back heel kick followed by a kick to the head and he gets a near fall. Barrett puts Sheamus in the ropes and he punches and chokes him. Barrett with knees to Sheamus and the referee continues to warn him. Barrett with a running boot that knocks Sheamus down. Barrett gets a near fall. Sheamus kicks Barrett in the knee and head but Barrett with a boot to the midsection and then he tries for the pump handle slam but Sheamus gets out of the hold and Sheamus with the uranage back breaker for a near fall.

Sheamus has Wade in the ropes and Sheamus with a forearm across the chest. Sheamus with another forearm across the chest and the referee warns Sheamus. Sheamus with a series of forearms with Barrett in the ropes and then Sheamus with a running knee lift from the apron and Sheamus gets a near fall.

Barrett rolls to the floor and Sheamus goes out after him and he takes Barrett down with a double leg take down and he punches Barrett. Barrett gets on top and he punches Sheamus. Barrett sends Sheamus into the ringside barrier as the referee continues his count and he gets to ten and calls for the bell while Sheamus and Barrett send each other’s heads into the announce table.

Double Count Out

While the referee explains his ruling to Sheamus, Barrett sends Sheamus head first into the ring post. Barrett sends Sheamus back into the ring and Barrett picks up Sheamus for Wasteland but Sheamus gets back to his feet and Sheamus with a Brogue kick.
Wade Barrett VS. Sheamus 22/7/11 Video
Wade Barrett VS. Sheamus Pictures
Wade Barrett VS. Sheamus
Wade Barrett VS. Sheamus
Wade Barrett VS. Sheamus
Wade Barrett VS. Sheamus
Wade Barrett VS. Sheamus
Wade Barrett VS. Sheamus
Wade Barrett VS. Sheamus